2 Weeks ago

Confederate Marker Locator webapp

This is a webapp designed by Confederate Broadcasting in 2025 to show users Confederate locations of historical importance near them.
2 Years ago

North Carolina JROTC cadet wore Confederate uniform to Armed Services night

An unidentified student in Erwin High School's JROTC program (Ashville, North Carolina) wore a Confederate uniform during a football game ceremony on October 7th. The...
2 Years ago

Delaware Democrats urged to boycott Return Day parade carriages from museum simply...

The flying of a Confederate flag at a Delaware museum and a town’s nearly $25,000 grant to the facility will change the flavor of one of the state’s cherished and unique...
2 Years ago

LCCI receives grant from Sons of Confederate Veterans

Limestone County Churches Involved (LCCI) received a $500 donation Friday morning from the Captain Thomas Hobbs Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). Camp Commander Lee...
10 Years ago

The proposed 13th Amendments

In the days before the start of the civil war several amendments were proposed in effort to bring the union back together.  One was Joint House Resolution 80, otherwise...
10 Years ago

How to successfully debate a Yankee or Scalawag on the Issues of the Confederacy

In this article I will be discussing the common arguments given by anti-Confederates.  They range from the causes of war, slavery, racism, and more.  I have given...
10 Years ago

Heritage Protection Acts

THIS ARTICLES MAY BE OUTDATED  - CHECK LOCAL LAWS    United States Historic Antiquities Act This section will cover the United States Historic Antiquities Acts...
10 Years ago

Racism, States' Rights and Confederate Battle Flag

Written by Greg Kent All the recent fuss about public display of the Confederate Battle flag is a bit surprising.  After all, the flag didn't make the Charleston...